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YouVest Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy is incorporated by reference into the Youvest End User Agreement (the “YEA”). All terms not defined below have the same definitions as those set out in the YEA. This Privacy Policy applies to the processing of your personal information obtained through your use of Youvest’s Products and Services, and in connection with our customer, service provider, and partner relationships. This includes information you provide that personally identifies you, such as your name, email address, billing information, or other data that can reasonably be linked to such information by a common search engine, such as information associated with your Youvest Account (“Personal Data”). This Privacy Policy describes the types of Personal Data we collect, the purposes for which we collect that Personal Data, the process that may allow Youvest to share such Data with any third parties, and the measures we take to protect the security of all Personal Data. It also informs you about your rights and choices with respect to your Personal Data, and how you can reach us to update your contact information or get answers to questions you may have about our privacy practices.

Types of Personal Data We May Collect and Reasons for Collection

All users are required to provide Youvest with the following Personal Data:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Billing Information
  • Software Usage Data

Without this information, Youvest is unable to offer its services.

Youvest uses legitimately collected Personal Data exclusively for providing necessary technical and client support services. For example, Youvest periodically sends emails to users describing new features or other useful information. By default, Youvest will use your email address to provide such updates. Each user can choose not to receive these messages by opting out using the unsubscribe instructions or links provided. We strongly recommend subscribing to these messages. Additionally, Youvest will use your email address to help you retrieve a forgotten password, resolve a billing issue, or any other appropriate and reasonable user communication, or for other legitimate business purposes.

A statistical aggregation of Personal Data, in a form that does not identify any single user or a small group of users, may be used for various legitimate business purposes, such as statistical analysis.

Safeguarding Your Personal Data

Youvest’s internal policies prohibit any employee or agent of the Company who has legitimate access to any Personal Data from using it for any purpose other than as stated above, including but not limited to trading based on such information. All internal requests to access any Personal Data must be approved by the Company’s Data Protection Officer (“DPO”).

Your Personal Data, including your symbol lists, is protected by your password; keep your password safe.

Sharing of Personal Data

Youvest will not share your Personal Data, including your email address or your symbol lists, with any third parties without your prior explicit consent. You can actively choose to allow Youvest to share some or all of your Personal Data. Click here to view or update your current choice.

Youvest will retain your Personal Data for a minimum of one year. This is necessary and reasonable to provide you with the services you expect.

Legal Protection of Personal Data and Users' Rights

Your Personal Data is protected by applicable laws. Youvest complies with all legally mandated requirements to ensure such protection. You can, at any time, withdraw your consent to Youvest’s access or use of your Personal Data by contacting our DPO. You can also lodge a complaint with our DPO if you believe that Youvest handles or uses your Personal Data in a manner contrary to the representations made in this Privacy Statement.

Contact Us

Youvest's Data Protection Officer can be reached at dataprotection@youvest.ai. Please contact our DPO if you have any questions regarding issues related to your Personal Data.

Made in New York 🇺🇸

YouVest is a publisher. YouVest is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. No content constitutes a recommendation that any particular investment, security, portfolio of securities, transaction, investment strategy or signal is suitable for any specific person. Please consult with a qualified advisor before making investment and trading decisions. Trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. If you cannot afford to lose money, our signals may not be right for you. Past performance is no guarantee of future results - any investment carries a potential for loss. YouVest does not take account of your objectives or your financial situation and YouVest does not offer any personalized investment or trading advice.

*Performance results on YouVest are simulated from algorithmic backtests, and come with inherent bias and drawbacks. For information on the performance calculation and methodology of YouVest visit our Backtest Fundamentals section.